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Old Time Record Club

Presenter Profile

Kris Ball


Shows: News, Features, Douze Points From Stanley

Favourite Song: Wohin Kleines Pony? By Bob Martin (Austrian entry for The Eurovision Song Contest 1957)

Kris joined Falklands Radio in 2023 as a broadcast journalist after following his fiancée to the other side of the world for an adventure.

Prior to travelling to the Falkland Islands, Kris has lived as far and wide as Lancaster and Luton, but will always be FLYING THE FLAG for his home county of Lancashire.

Kris has something of a singular obsession, The Eurovision Song Contest, often letting the presenters in Studio 1 know, whether they asked for it or not, how a song relates to the contest, no matter how tenuous a link it may be.

During 2020 after years of never quite getting around to it, Kris launched his podcast, Think About Eurovision, where he and his co-hosts discuss their shared obsession, watching and commenting on historic Eurovision grand finals. This experience cemented his interest in broadcasting and inspired Kris to pursue a new career option rather than sticking with BETTER THE DEVIL YOU KNOW, and he applied for the position at the station just before leaving the UK.

Using this experience, Kris also hosts Douze Points from Stanley, a Eurovision Song Contest themed specialist music show in the run up to the annual event, sharing deep cuts from the Eurovision Vaults.

His other interests include amateur dramatics, having joined FIODA, with his first role in the 2023 Panto, Dick Turpin Rides Again, where he learned the role of Squire Grabbit with only two weeks notice!

Making a rod for his own back, due to his ability to learn scripts, he then played the dual roles of Mina Westfeldt and Dr Jean Van Helsing, in the 2024 FIODA production of Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors. All whilst in drag!