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RFIP Reserve Police Officers “not engaging with training”

The Chief of Police said he will be writing personally to those that aren’t engaging with training.

In his first Police Committee as Chief of Police, Superintendent Albert Dann discussed issues regarding the training of police officers.

On Reserve Police Officers, “there’s quite a number of reserve police officers who are not engaging in the training”, said Superintendent Dann.

He added there’s a “core number that are deployed all the time and engaging in training,” however there was a number who aren’t deployed, and aren’t doing the training.”

The Chief of Police said he will be writing personally to those that aren’t engaging with training.

The Acting Governor, Dave Morgan’s queried the status of the RPC at Mount Pleasant. Superintendent Dann confirmed she is one of those not engaging with training, saying it’s important “that she steps up and does the training.”

The charges set by the College of Policing were raised, who “make it quite clear” they are a business, according to Superintendent Dann, adding their training packages “are all licensed” and “come with a heavy fee.”

Superintendent Dann said an issue faced by the Overseas Territories was the College charge all OTs “a separate fee, not a collective fee,” and they charge RFIP “the same fee as they charge Greater Manchester Police or the MET.” The Acting Governor described this as “bonkers.”

Superintendent Dann said Andrew Munday, who conducted an independent inspection of RFIP in 2023 is trying to address this issue, however said “it seems there’s going to be no movement in relation to it”, and as such are looking at the possibility of bypassing the college of policing, by obtaining the training package for this, and doing training internally, but said the training package would still be billed at “thousands and thousands of pounds.”

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